Elite Blue Granite Thin Veneer - Split Face Sawn Height with Sawn Ends - Flats
Price is per square foot; approximately 12 lbs psf
These are flat pieces
Corner pieces sold here
Sawn Height is a dimensional stone and is a blend of four different size heights (sawn heights being 2 1/4″, 5″, 7 3/4″, and 10 1/2″). These sizes are designed to use with a 1/2″ mortar joint. Ratio is about 10% in smallest size, 10% in the largest size, then 40-40 for the two mid-sizes. With this blend, the ends (left and right side) are also sawn, so each piece of stone is cut on ALL sides.
Elite Blue Granite is a dark grey to black granite with some lighter grey to white quartz veins throughout the stone.